The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media – 6

by karen on January 30, 2017

Forgetting to monitor analytics/ROI
So you’ve set your objectives, executed your social media activity, and are wondering whether it worked or not. Business owners are not often aware of the metrics available to measure such performance, or focus on too few (mainly quantitative – i.e. numbers-based). Some even deem their social media activity worthless if it hasn’t led directly to a visible increase in sales.
A number of ways exist in which to measure the effectiveness of your social media activity, both from social media analytics and wider metrics. Here are some measures you should definitely be considering for your business:
1. Social media tracking statistics
Most social media networks now offer a form of analytics; for Facebook this is ‘Insights’ (access to this is available when your business page has 30 or more ‘likes’), Twitter’s are called ‘Analytics’, for LinkedIn it’s ‘Analytics’ etc. Aside from number of followers/fans these also provide data over a period on engagement-related activity, e.g. shares, ReTweets, favourites, comments. You can assess the profile of your followers/fans and the tone/sentiment of any comments posted. Such statistics are also available for paid ad campaigns, which are useful in testing what works and doesn’t on a small budget prior to rolling out a campaign supported by a larger one.
2. Google Analytics
This is available to business owners by registering your website with Google. It provides a wealth of data on the number of ‘hits (visits), the sources of traffic, any traffic coming from unique links, traffic arriving at specific landing pages, the average length of visit (‘stickiness’) and more.
3. Website/newsletter sign ups and enquiries.
A positive measure of engagement with your business.
4. Google rankings (SEO)
An imprecise science, on which a good web developer can advise.
5. Wider business measures
These include new enquiries/leads (always check where possible where visitors/customers heard of your business/what triggered them to visit/call/interact with you). Other such measures include sales conversion rates*, repeat purchasing, complaints levels and customer ‘churn’ (i.e. retention rates).
* it’s important to acknowledge that responsibility for converting traffic to sales depends on the customer experience e.g. service, website usability, environment
Once you have decided which measures are best suited to your objectives, the key is to track and interpret your performance, adapting your strategy as you develop. As the famous management consultant Peter Drucker is often quoted, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”.
Do contact us if you would like any support with your social media, whether choosing suitable networks, learning how to use them, planning activity, creating/sourcing relevant content, measuring performance or other challenges.



January 9, 2017

Poor time management A common challenge shared by many business owners is finding enough time to manage their social media effectively. Business people, knowing that they should be working on their business, rather than in it, often struggle to find the time to spend on it, getting distracted by viewing other people’s posts/photos/videos (both personal […]

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media – 4

December 14, 2016

Uninspiring content “Posting content is simply not enough. Social media always involves connecting with others, interacting with followers, and building relationships.”  Social Media Delivered ‘Content is King’, declared Bill Gates as far back as 1996, rather prophetically, as it turned out. There are numerous digital marketing studies highlighting the importance of sharing quality and engaging content. However, […]

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media – 3

November 15, 2016

Cross-posting across multiple networks Many businesses find it easy to link their social media accounts together, to enable the posting of content across multiple social networks. Whilst this can save time in logging in to individual networks, and posting the same content across each, it is important to stop and consider whether your audience really […]

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media – 2

October 27, 2016

Using irrelevant/too many social networks Who is your audience and where are they most likely to hang out? This is the key starting point for social marketeers. This article assumes that they are active online, although there remains a small segment of (mainly older people and a few younger die-hards) who are not online; if this […]

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media – 1

October 10, 2016

Absence of a Wider Marketing Strategy and Plan This is the first in a series of short blogs about the mistakes businesses often make when marketing themselves, and how to avoid them. When talking to clients and prospects, we often find that people plunge straight into social media without considering the wider marketing picture for […]

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The Difference Between Marketing and Sales

September 10, 2016

Some owners of small or medium sized business owners regard Marketing and Sales as the same role, but this is not the case. There are clear definitions for each function, albeit with a degree of overlap around the building of customer loyalty, in which both play a part. In large organisations, there are separate departments for Sales […]

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Staying on top of social media changes

August 6, 2016

The summer is a good time to take stock of all the changes happening on social media, and we were delighted to be asked to guest blog on this subject for Jane Rogers PR, a leading PR consultancy. Read our guest blog here to keep up to speed on what’s changed recently on Facebook and Twitter.

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Service: why you need to know what your clients think

June 16, 2016

We have recently enjoyed working on a number of customer insight research projects for clients, the outputs and recommendations from which are being used to inform client strategies. To plan and commission such research is a smart move on the part of these progressively-minded clients, who now have an advantage in upping their game and […]

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April 20, 2016

As a social media practitioner, I am slightly alarmed by a growing trend among business owners who are feeling overwhelmed that their social media activity has become unmanageable.  With this in mind, I thought I would share a few tips to help anyone affected in this way to plan and to manage their time. 1. […]

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