Service: why you need to know what your clients think

by karen on June 16, 2016

Maya AngelouWe have recently enjoyed working on a number of customer insight research projects for clients, the outputs and recommendations from which are being used to inform client strategies.

To plan and commission such research is a smart move on the part of these progressively-minded clients, who now have an advantage in upping their game and to steal a march on their competitors.

What has been noticeable is the simple steps that businesses can take to identify and respond to their clients’ needs. Often businesses are so busy growing and fire-fighting that they forget to check in on their clients with personalised calls to see how they are doing, where their business is heading and the challenges they are facing. This is an excellent way to build and develop customer relationships, and to demonstrate an interest in a client’s business.

Often it is the case  that there is a need for a clear client communications strategy and plan, with topical information/guidance, educational events and networking opportunities that clients so value. We have helped a number of clients to plan, and to create relevant content (including web copy, newsletters and e-shots) for such communications.

Despite a wealth of experience in his chosen field, a director of one such company admitted that he “finds it difficult to pick up the phone and ask his clients how they are“…so we coached him in how to initiate such a conversation, in a way with which he is comfortable.

Another project uncovered a need for some basic customer care training to help develop staff who were not used to talking to clients other than via email and beyond the task in hand…so we recommended an expert who could deliver this, and helped to brief them in.

Whatever the resulting actions, it is the job of independently-conducted research to elicit the honest views of your clients, and to turn these into insights and actionable recommendations that will benefit your business.

As one happy client commented: “…some hugely useful feedback, which has helped us to develop an action plan on what to do next! It was great to hear what we are doing well at but also where we can improve!

Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our research services, or think we could help your business.

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